Eid al-Adha "Festival of Sacrifice" is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son Ishmael as an act of obedience to God, before God intervened to provide him with a sheep— to sacrifice instead.
Eid al-Adha celebrations start after the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide, descend from Mount Arafat.
On Saturday I am fasting - as is required.
The day of 'Arafah is the day when pilgrims stand on the plain of 'Arafah to pray. On this day, Muslims all over the world who do not witness the annual hajj should spend the day in fasting, in preparation for the three days festivity following 'Eid ul-Adha (the celebration marking the end of the hajj commemorating the Prophet Ibrâhîm's willingness of sacrifice).
In the evening Rima and family are invited to a friend's place for 'Guy Fawkes Night' - interesting.... I break my fast there and enjoy the evenings events! The kids and dads play football, we have a lovely dinner in the garden and then we burn Guy Fawkes and send off big lanterns, nearly burning down the whole neighbourhood... funny!
Guy Fawkes (13 April 1570 – 31 January 1606), belonged to a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Fawkes and Robert Catesby planned to assassinate King James I and restore a Catholic monarch to the throne. The plotters secured the lease to an undercroft beneath the House of Lords, and Fawkes was placed in charge of the gunpowder they stockpiled there. Prompted by the receipt of an anonymous letter, the authorities searched Westminster Palace during the early hours of 5 November, and found Fawkes guarding the explosives. Fawkes became synonymous with the Gunpowder Plot, the failure of which has been commemorated in England since 5 November 1605. His effigy is often burned on a bonfire, commonly accompanied by a firework display.
We have lazy and quiet Eid days. We, the family and dog are going for an outing to the 'Black Palace Beach', as Aeysha has decided she wants to take the dog for a walk! (the beach is named after the black palace build by one of the Sheikhs who is the 'black sheep' of the family or so the story goes....).
Hisham proposed to me on his knees at the Black Palace Beach, 13 years ago (he was a romantic at heart) - we even saw dolphins on that day - a very special memory! The beach has changed, lots more people frequenting it now and it is more developed - in the old days, there was hardly anyone there, and it was just a stretch of natural beach..... My life now has also changed....
Peter, Aeysha and Tommy the dog....
Burj Al Arab
Palm and Atlantis
The police always frequent the public beaches... makes one feel safe. Basma told me that there are also ambulances that frequent the beaches.... that is service... only in Dubai!
I send out Eid greetings, and people respond, some friends of Hisham's I have not been in touch with for years have resurfaced - this is wonderful! I also call Mahassin, Hisham's mom, in Sudan - she was trying to go for Hajj for Hisham, but it did not happen.
I had planned to travel to Sudan for Eid and stay for a month, but unfortunately, with Mahassin's plans, and Walid's (brother) plans to travel overseas also, it is not a good time for me to go. Very disappointing, but that is life! I am wondering though why I did get my Sudan visa in Canada, when I was not meant to go?! I am confused to say the least... but I need to trust in God... he knows best! I will try to visit the family in Sudan early next year - Inshallah!
On Tuesday, I get up and realize - it is raining - hurray.... we all rechoice.... it clears the air and the dust. Aeysha gets outside and cleans up the rain.... bless her!
I was blessed to be able to spend Eid with friends! and to reconnect with others....
S & D
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