Saturday, 27 August 2011

Montreal - jour 2 - part II

Being a French place, everything is francosized....they have a thing for their poulet (french for chicken....)

PFK (Poulet Frittee Kentucky) - instead of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)

Shish Poulet - instead of Shish Kebab

Chateau Kebab = Castle Kebab

We walked a lot today.... walking is the best way of getting to know a city ... and it is exhausting....but we had an interesting time discovering the place.

We discovered this quaint heritage market.  It was fun to see the people all dressed up in period costumes!

Here you get anything and everything Maple.....

This horse carriage was driven by this tiny Philipina, who kept on shouting as she directed the horses through the crowds: Excuse me, Madam, excuse me, Sir.... (very funny and just a tad worrying....)

Now this Indian was scary!... and his pants did not cover his whole behind.... also scary...

Home brewing...

By mid afternoon, we were totally exhausted, and treated ourselves to icecream... By now we were all looking forward to the BBQ André had promised us at his house. So off we went in the people mover....across the bridge....

The Biosphère is a museum dedicated to the environment.

Habitat 67 is a housing complex and landmark located on the Saint Lawrence River. Its design was created by architect Moshe Safdie and built as part of Expo 67.
It was designed to integrate the variety and diversity of scattered private homes with the economics and density of a modern apartment building. Modular, interlocking concrete forms define the space. The project was designed to create affordable housing with close but private quarters, each equipped with a garden. The building was believed to illustrate the new lifestyle people would live in increasingly crowded cities around the world.

André's home (people mover parked in front...).  André has renovated and extended his house.... I fell in love with his kitchen and dining area ... I could have just lived in that area - phenomenal!

The Gang: Chris & Bettie; Sarah; André; Huda; Sabine

And the evening was perfectly finished off with this most beautiful sunset!

A deman.

S & D

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