Monday 26 March 2012

Fish markets and Boat builders...

Today, Monday, us ladies - Souad, Sumeya, Mahassin and me - went off to see the boat builders. 

We took again the amjad with our usual driver.

On the way we stopped at Omdurman fishmarkets - very interesting.
Anyone need a bed???

Omdourman Fishmarket 
Another important destination in Omdurman is Almourada. Famous for its fish market along the banks of the Nile, Almourada is one of the old historical neighbourhoods in Omdurman. Fishermen and local merchants post at the shores selling their fresh catch. 

The lady on the right in the back owns a famous fish restaurant close by.

We couldnt' buy any fish, as we will be out all day and it is hot!  So on we drive along the Nile to where the boat builders are.

It is still possible to see wooden boats being built at Omdurman boat yard on the edge of Abu Roaf district.  The craft has traditionally been carried out by Nubians; the Mahdi was the son of a boatbuilder from Dongola.  There is little demand for the wooden-planked dinghies now,they are only used by a few fishermen.

The ladies bought some wood from the boat builders, this is prepared by the ladies for bukhur; perfumed for incense burning.

They also sold incense burners there, and one of the man gave me one as a present- because I was the khawaja wearing a thoab.  So the other three went, why did she get a present and we didn't.... it was very funny, the poor guy ended up giving them burners too....

Our amjad...

On the other side of the road were many shops all selling the wood and incense burners...

And around the corner was a whole suq area with more wood, incense burners, other containers etc. etc... fascinating..... a petty I can't buy any of this right now - I definately have to come back!!!

These are BBQs Sudani style... now I know where Hisham had the idea from... caught!

And no, we did not buy this beautiful piece of art from the young man... We actually made him pose for the photo... hi hi

After this little but exciting excursion, we drove back to Omdurman suq for more souvenirs and presis.  We got off at the non-touristy end of the suq where they sell clothes, shoes etc.... and everyone was commenting on the khawaja wearing the a nice way..I gather this is a rare site.

It was difficult for Mahassin to walk in these little alley ways and there were lots of people, but she was determined to come with us...We tried to convince her to sit and wait for us and have a cup of tea...but no.... she soldiered on.

Beads gallore... an amazing array - aahhh  I have to come back....

Baskets, biddish, coffeepots.... I am in heaven...

What an amazing day.  Thanks ladies for taking me around - this is so much fun!

Sabine, Dougal, Lionheart

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