We all find things to buy, spices, coffee pots, bread etc....
After we've seen everything and bought what we wanted, we went to find the Art Centre, called DABANGA. Only to find out that the Centre had moved to another location. In its place there was another furniture / souvenir shop called PIANO. As we were already here, we had a look at the place. They had some nice Sudanese goods and furniture.... I want.... but it is quite expensive... so we look only.
Sumeya was very resourceful and found out where Dabanga is, so on we drive and voila... here it is. It is an Art Centre promoting local artists - but also expensive... but very nice things....
After all this cultural experience, the driver takes us back home.
Look at this: the Oprah Saloon..... !!!
I think to remember that Walid told me that this bridge was given as a present by the British and was relocated to Khartoum from ??? I forgot ..... somewhere - so it is pretty old....
We had a rest, some food and off we went again... Souad invited us to the Muzn Beach Park, where they have some caged animals. I feel sorry for the animals, they are in very small cages and it is hot.....
Unfortunately, my camera does not take good photos at night...so it's all a bit shaky and dark....
The Lions...
Coffee shop area...
The Nile at Night...
The Park....
The park is next to the Nile, but it is dark, so we can't see much. It is still nice to be out and we sit down and enjoy a cup of tea.
On the way out we look at the ballroom they have there, and we all decide that this would be a great place for Walid to have his wedding! He just has to find himself a bride!!!
Sabine, Dougal, Lionheart
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